101 -FQHC Terminology Introduction
Congratulations on deciding to take this FQHC Terminology Course and your efforts to learn more about Federally Qualified Health Centers and the healthcare industry.
Whether you are a new or existing board member, employee, provider, or just an inquisitive person wanting to learn more, these 101 Words and Acronyms will be of great benefit to you for future learning, discussion, and participation in health care decision-making. There are hundreds of words, phrases, and acronyms that are used daily in both government and healthcare. We have chosen for this introductory course some of the most common and frequently used words and acronyms.
The course is divided into 9 categories/lessons with a quiz after each lesson and a final exam at the end. The final exam will cover material from all 9 lessons and quizzes. The purpose of each quiz is to reinforce learning. After working through all the lessons you will be ready to successfully complete the final exam. The content is easy to read and understand – and best of all, you can study at you own pace!
After you have completed the final exam you can print your Certificate of Training as proof of your accomplishment!