Standard Group Subscription Plan 25


Standard Group Subscription Plan for 25 students!  All core courses included.  Cost per student is only $80!


Benefit your Community Health Center or Organization by purchasing a Standard Group Subscription Plan.

This Standard Group Subscription Plan can save thousands of dollars in fees and related expenses when providing the needed and required FQHC training for your board members and staff.  After acknowledgement of this paid subscription has been received, the FQHC Academy will email the contact administrator provided with payment, unique ID Coupon Codes for each course to be distributed for up to 25 board members and selected staff.

Each group member should register and create their own student account at the FQHC Academy website.  The student can then take a course and apply their 100% Discount Code at checkout.

The course will be paid in full and free for the student applying their code.